Tuesday, March 30, 2010

PH Care.

PH Care has the Wind kind. You know, it's color blue and it's supposed to give the ladies some cool wind effect in their nether areas. Normally, people would use it for feminine hygiene. But a guy friend of mine shared another use for this seemingly innocent product. :D

My friend was at a party one night and he got pretty hammered. Since he goes to a school with lots of rich kids, there were a lot of hot and liberated girls at the party. So there was this girl who led him to her bed and said, "I want to try something on you" and since he was hammered and since he was overflowing with testosterone, I guess he was up for pretty much anything. He said okay. The girl unzipped his pants, reached for her PH Care Wind something, slathered her hands with the thing and proceeded to give my friend one of the most unforgettable experiences of his young life.

My friend said, it felt weird at first. But the wind factor made the whole thing amazing. I guess that's a valid point. There were a lot of sensations involved. There was the hand movements, your rising body temperature contradicted by the cool wind effect of the product. It's not a bad idea. In fact, it's sort of a genius idea. I guess using lotions can be a hassle sometimes. It's sticky and oily at the same time. With a feminine hygiene wash you just have wash it off with water and you're good to go.

So I guess we ladies better switch to the wind kind, just in case. ;)

Disclaimer: I do not own the image posted above. Please do not sue me if my using this picture offends you in anyway. I am not an official endorser of PH Care. Please do not let my comments and viewpoints affect the way you view the company that manufactures this product.

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